Fasting Meal Plan: Week 1

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This intermittent fasting meal plan is for anyone who likes to spread their calories across the whole day more evenly. It gives you roughly three main meals around 100-150 calories each and two snacks of 50 calories.

I find this meal plan suggestion easier to cope with on work days. It gives you enough of a breakfast to get you going in the morning and keeps your energy levels up with a regular food intake.

Fasting Day One:

Breakfast: One egg scrambled with 1 oz of smoked salmon (1 small slice, chopped and mixed in) (120 calories) + black coffee 

Morning Snack: Half a medium banana (50 calories)

Lunch: English muffin half, baked with 1 tablespoon tomato sauce and 1 tablespoon reduced-fat mozzarella cheese (100 calories) 

Afternoon Snack: Half a medium banana (50 calories)

Dinner:  Butternut Squash Soup (80 calories) + cherry tomato and feta salad (100 calories)

*Men add your extra 100 calories by doubling the lunch portion, or doubling the soup portion at dinner

Fasting Day Two:

Breakfast: Glass of hot water with a squeeze of lemon, half a cup of raspberries plus a quarter cantaloupe melon (100 calories)

Morning Snack: Cup of miso soup (40 calories)

Lunch: 10 large steamed shrimp with a cup chopped iceberg lettuce and half a cup of cucumber chopped finely all tossed in 1 tablespoon of fat free ranch dressing (142 calories) 

Afternoon Snack: Small turkey slice wrapped around a pickle (50 calories)

Dinner: Soft poached egg with 6 steamed asparagus spears to dip in plus English muffin half, toasted(160 calories) 

*Men add an extra egg at dinner or double the shrimp at lunch

Remind yourself about the intermittent diet plan basics:

The basics - how to follow the diet

The journalist who started the intermittent diet craze


Anonymous said...

This is not intermittent fasting- in fact it is the complete opposite. The idea of IF is that you either restrict your daily eating window to 5-8 hours per day or take two 24 hour periods in your week to eat absolutely nothing. You are giving people bad information.

Lynne said...

Thanks for your comment. Actually the term intermittent fasting has expanded to include a number of different diet styles of restricting calorie intake. The intermittent fasting 5:2 plan is as follows: during days of fasting, people eat 400–500 kcal (women) or 500–600 kcal (men), and during feed days, the diet was unrestricted. This was done either alternately (one day fasting, one day feeding) or by fasting two days per week. This is the form of intermittent fasting followed and described in this blog. It is not bad information, it is specific information for the 5:2 diet. Please see more information here